
by way of introduction

November 5th, 2007


perhaps it’s no time to start something new when you’re running out the door and moving country, but this ain’t no goodbye fling — it’s all stuff i can take with me. welcome to a little place i plan to write about coffee, cross-pollinated with images and enthusiasm, all with the selfish selfish goal of getting to talk at and to people about the changing culture of coffee and all the ancillary pleasures that surround it, like dumb reasons to drive two hours out of your way, all those new friends you can make to talk about stuff that alienates everyone else you know, and so on.

i moved to toronto nine years ago a naive 23-year-old american girl tooling around the province drinking roadside double-double tim horton’s jitter-coffee and not knowing any better. since then, the city, and i, drink far better coffee. and after a couple years of incorporating necessary stops for amazing coffee into not only trips out of town but trips across town — i have an idea of what i’d like to contribute a little more directly towards the promotion and support of a community that i have found not only delicious and chemically addictive but totally inspiring. though there are already handsful of intelligent and nerdy-fun coffee blogs already out there by people who actually make coffee for sustenance and passion, and are far wiser on the subject than i, i’d like to think i’ve got a couple things to say, or that at least i know where to find the people who do.

i’m aiming for a mix of culture and connoisseurship here, a place to focus on the context and localities of what make particular drinks, cafes, and coffee experiences special, and because i think there’s not nearly enough of some amazing coffee people’s voices out there — interviews.

so now that i can leave canada in capable hands, i’m excited to move to new york city, where i hope to write more and more about coffee and why it’s becoming increasingly valued, both in culinary legitimacy and in the rebuilding of geekiness and communities in a vaguely alienated digital age.

combining such earnestness and snobbery is going to be hard, but y’know, i think i’m up to the challenge.

welcome to twitchy!

2 Responses to “by way of introduction”

  1. Stephen

    I love blue!

  2. Pete

    Which pod to insert…

    French “Vanile” or Breakfast Roast?

    Current Music: “Make It Easy On Yourself” by The Walker Brothers

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